報到 Check-In

報到日: 5:00pm~6:30pm Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
報到地址:Founders Hall, Muskoka Bible Centre
155 Hood Road Huntsville, ON P1H 2J3 Canada

我們聚會晚上7:00pm 準時開始,房間check-in 時間 5:0pm 地點在聚會場地Founders Hall,請你先到會場check in 拿房間鑰匙後再將你的行李放回你的房間,我們在6:30pm以後將不再受理check-in,你必須先聚會,等到週五當晚聚會結束後才能check-in 拿到房間鑰匙。為避免擔誤聚會時間,請你儘早check-in。

1)  吹風機 (Villa房可以不用)
2)  拖鞋 sleeper
3)  水壺 Water Bottle (裝飲用水, 熱水請用保温杯)
4)  手電筒 flash light (optional)(從聚會場地回住宿可以使用)
5)  耳塞 Ear plug
6)  牙刷
7)  如需更多的被單,請自行預備
8)  潔淨房間的膏油

  • 為了尊重他人休息的時間,請弟兄姊妹不會超過晚上12:30am 後洗澡。 
  • 請服從房務管理同工,不要在走道大聲喧嘩,或奔跑嘻鬧,在寢室間內請保持安靜,避免影響他人的休息。 
  • 盥洗完請恢復浴室內的清潔,待下一位人使用,每人不要佔用過長的時間,以每人15分鐘為上限。 
  • 寢室內嚴格禁止飲食。不可帶果汁入寢室,只可有密封的「清水」。(杯或瓶倒時,不會溢出謂之密封) 
  • 由於我們的費用全是預定套裝價,如果你因故無法出席或提早離開,所有費用是無法退還的。 
  •  由於不同時段有不同的團體用餐,末後事工吃飯時間是固定的,一9:00 am, 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm ,請不要在時段以外的時間去餐廳用餐, 用餐時間一小時逾時不供應。 
  • 不準攜帶酒類至Bible Centre。 
  •  Bible Centre Property 是全禁菸區。 
  • 各人財物及行李請自行妥善保管, 事工不負責任何財務的損失。 
  • 退房前請將鑰匙交還給 Carrie ,請保管好鑰匙,遺失者,Bible Centre收取每鑰匙$10費用。 Founders Hall 鑰匙有不歸還者,每房收費$40
  • 週日下午3:30時必須準時離營,並保持房內清潔恢復原狀,請帶走您個人的垃圾。

Registration Date: 5:00pm~6:30pm, Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
Registration/Check-in will take place in the meeting room, Founders Hall, Muskoka Bible Centre
155 Hood Road Huntsville, ON P1H 2J3 Canada

The meeting starts on Friday Oct. 26 at 7:00pm. Please check-in the Chapel to get your room key first and then put your luggage's in your room. We will not be checking anyone in after 6:30 pm due to the evening meeting.  Check-in will resume at 10:00pm.  Please try to arrive early to avoid line up and to resolve any unforeseen issues.

The following items are recommended:

1) Hair Dryer (Only available at Villa rooms)
2) sleepers
3) Water Bottle and warmer.
    (We provide bottled water for the speakers and on-duty co-workers, therefore it's recommended that you bring your own water.)
4) Flashlight (optional)
5) Ear plugs (optional)
6) Tooth brush
7) If you need a warmer quilt, please bring your own.
8) Anointing oil for spiritually cleaning your room

Accommodation Regulation:
  • In order to respect others’ resting time, please do not take a bath between the hours of 12:30am to 5:30am 
  • Please obey room management co-workers. Do not make any loud noise in the aisle and room, or running in the aisle. Please keep quiet in your bedroom. 
  • After cleaning, please restore the bathroom clean, until the next person to use, each person should not take too long to 15 minutes per person for the maximum. 
  • Do not bring fruit juice into the bedroom, only the sealed "water" bottle allowed in the bedroom. 
  • As the rates are group package pricing, there will be no rebate for any attendee who arrives late or leave early. 
  • Meal times are a set time for different groups. Omega’s meal times are: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm. We require that you be on time for meals. 
  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any of the Muskoka Bible Centre’ buildings nor on the property. 
  • Muskoka Bible Centre is a smoke-free environment. If you wish to smoke, please do so off the property.
  • All personal belongings should be taken care by your own. Omega ministry is not responsible for any financial loss.
When you check-out:
  • All accommodation keys and ʻMaster keysʼmust be returned to co-worker Victoria. Carrie will be in the Chapel between 1:30pm and 3:00pm on Oct. 28. A charge of $10.00 / per key lost will be applied and $40 per Founders Hall room key will be billed to you for each key not returned.
  • Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm must leave the camp on time.  Please take away your personal garbage. Note: rooms are to be ʻleftʼas you received them.

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